August Update

No one wants to count down the days until school begins, but it is quickly approaching. Huskie players have been making the most of their off-season and are now gearing up for a return to school. They are continuing to work hard off the ice to earn quarters for their pre-season training teams. The teams were drafted in the spring and are meant to encourage, motivate, and bond with both returning and new players. Team names this year are very original: Dangle, Snipe, Celly; Female Fight Club; Team Blood; The Heeeeaaaattt; Neige Leopardis.

In addition to completing their summer workouts, the Huskies are also hard at work earning spending money, participating in other sports, and even studying! Monica M. has been playing on a summer hockey team in addition to her swim team. Brennan B. and Cassie K. were shooters at Can/Am hockey camp where they were able to work on their shot while also earning money. Olga R. is keeping Rome, NY tidy by running her lawn business with her brothers. The rising seniors are prepping for SATs and ACTs  using online software that is connected to their college guidance accounts. Even Coach Farmer hit the books this summer as she spent July at Columbia University in New York City where she is pursuing her Masters degree.

Monica M. during her swim team practice

Coach Farmer’s student ID from Teacher’s College